Why is it that the only people that turn up on Nancy Grace and the nightly news are pretty, young, caucasian females? If I were to go missing today, no one outside of my family would be the wiser until my mutilated body turned up in some river or something. Truth be told, I don't care about Natalee Holloway. You have to hang some of the blame on her for wandering away from her friends in a foreign nation with some dudes she doesn't know. Americans have a problem with going to other countries and feeling like they are superior and everyone must adhere to laws of the U.S. The U.S. government doesn't care if you go to some foreign nation and get stranded, hell they couldn't rescue people from rooftops in the 9th ward. Go USA!!!
In the U.S. we have a democracy, with that being said we have the freedom to say whatever we want. We also have the freedom to feel/think any way we want to. With all this being said, why are so many people drawn and quartered with they don't agree with the politics surrounding some actions? It has gotten to the point that you are a traitor if you don't support "Operation Enduring Freedom." I mean think about it, prior to the last election when were two purple heart awarded to a coward that volunteered to go to war in lieu of hiding somewhere in Alabama? Needless to say I'm against the war, I'm against Bush, and if you consider me unpatriotic I have some ocean-front property for sale in Houston, TX.
Are you who you are because your parents are who they were? I'm not talking about race or anything like that. Are you republican or democrat because your parents are or were? Are you a baptist or catholic because your parents are or were? If you are, grow a damn spine.
Have a nice day.