The system.
I have a friend that I grew up with that is now the assistant D.A. back in New Orleans. I have a cousin that is in law school at Syracuse. I have a friend that works for a law firm right outside of DC. The thing that all three of these individuals have in common is that they are working in relation to "the system" that was not created for them. Why is it that when a person is charged and sentenced to death or life in prison there is nothing wrong with the judicial system in America, but if the "wrong" person gets off "...the system is flawed..." This morning I found myself watching a documentary on O.J. Simpson and how his trial divided a nation based on nothing more than race. There was an outcry from many whites that wanted to see him hung from the highest tree. Here was a black man that "killed" a blonde-haired, blue-eyed white woman and her friend, and he was allowed to go free. He "killed" one of "theirs" and was allowed to go free. This appalled so many, but for the "black folk", it was justice. Finally a black man had the ability to go to and from court without being shackled in an orange jumpsuit. We were able to hold our heads up high. It wasn't a matter of him being guilty or innocent, it was a matter of him being black and killing a white girl. As far back as anyone can remember white folks have been able to kill, lynch, and mutilate blacks without the fear persecution. Why is it so bad when one, 1, uno, ein, un, black man "gets away with murder" the system is flawed? Is it flawed because it didn't work in your favor? You have Robert Blake who has tried to hire a hit man to kill his wife, yet when she turns up dead no one is the wiser. When he's subsequently acquitted is there anything wrong with the system? No. You have a president whose lies get thousands of Americans killed. Is there anything wrong with the system? No. I know I'm cynical, but what's really going on here America? What's with the short-term memory lapse? If justice is truly blind, then we support it no matter what, if we agree or disagree with the verdict. I mean if you can support a president that's all about himself, why can't you support a judicial system that's all about you? Oh yeah, to all of those who read this that don't know me, I'm not a racist. Read my "artificial construct" post and you'll see that, all that I'm saying is no one should be upset when they don’t have their way .01% of the time.