Wednesday, July 26, 2006
A little about me.
Hello all. My name is Lenard but I've adopted the screenname of Lennox (Len-ox) from an old nicknamed that I picked up in college. Yes, I'm a Louisiana resident that went to college and get this, I graduated. I am the youngest of and biggest of three children. I have 2 older sisters. I have a BA in Communications from the University of New Orleans. I am having problems finding gainful employment under the Bush presidency. All of the knowledge and talent in the world won't get you crap, but I digress. I'm a registered independent. I have several views on several things. I am a Renaissance Man and the "Angry Black Man of the New Millenium." I am not a racist or a seperatist. I am angry about the way things take place in this country and the way people hand certain events. I am open to all comments and all criticism. I am far from typical and will not hesitate to verbally draw and quarter anyone who I feel attacks me. With all of the serious stuff out of the way, I'm a big joker. I like Family Guy, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Scrubs, and a bunch of other shows that will make me laugh. As I type this, I'm watching Inked, that tattoo show on A&E, I think it's time for me to get some more tattoos. I love to smile and love to make others feel good. (The angry side doesn't come out unless provoked kinda like Bruce Banner.) I'm a vodka drinking, weight lifting, sarcastic, well-dressed (when necessary) good cooking, "Katrina Refugee" (I hate that term) with a great deal of intelligence. Well that's enough about me. If you want to know anything else send me a message. Stay classy Blogger.