Saturday, July 22, 2006

A few things

Upon the reading of my friend "Black Mamba's" blog I'm not quite sure as to what to write about. It would seem as though the majority of my posts are serious which is something weird for anyone that knows me. I speak on social woes almost as if I plan on becoming the next Malcolm X or Lumumba. It's almost as though this is the only vessel that is available for my "venting." "Venting?" Is that really the word I want to use, when I think of venting I think of people that sit down to pee, but I digress. I think I'm going to try to start a unity movement here in Texas and I'll just hope that I don't go the way of Lumumba or Malcolm and wind up getting taken out in my prime.

Is it me or is being gay the newest fashion trend? I mean don't get my wrong these folk can live anyway that makes them happy, but where the hell did all of them come from. It's really like a trend in that one day you only see a few of them i.e., Coach and Gucci purses and then you turn around twice (watch your anus though), and everyone and their father is carrying a once exclusive bag. Some of those that aren't too confident are carrying little wristlets, something they can hide when confronted by a peer and others are carrying the extra-large Gucci horsebit (I know about that purse only based on my fiance). Either way, I'm loyal to my fashion tastes so I don't think I'll ever change over.

This photography thing I'm doing in my spare time is proving to become easier and easier. It would appear as though I am on my way to becoming the next Gordon Parks or Ansel Adams.

Why is it so easy to send some ships and troops to Lebannon to rescue 25,000 Americans, but it was so difficult to resuce a few thousand in New Orleans? (There's that political side of me again.)

I'm done.