I was just sitting at my parents' home back in Harvey, LA watching CNN when I looked at the bottom of the screen. Israel staged an attack that killed 60 people by accident. Now I have a few questions:
1) How do you accidentally bomb a city and kill 60 people?
2) Why did Israel say they would stop bombing for 48 hours asthough to say, "Whoops, dude I know we screwed up."
3) Isn't "accidentally" killing 60 people and then basically saying "Whoops!" kinda like a midget version of Kobe Bryant kicking Shaquille O'Neal in the balls and then saying, "Oh, my bad dude." and trying to walk off before he hits back.
4) With the Prime Minister Fouad Siniora of Lebanon calling off his meeting with Condoleeza Rice, does that mean the US is no longer fighting this battle by proxy?
5) While the rest of the world condemns the actions of Israel, don't you just know that George W. is sitting in the White House with a big smile on his face saying, we finally got those mother fuckers?
With all of this being said, I don't think there will be any peace in the Middle East for a long, long, long time.