Saturday, July 08, 2006
Time for a dictator?
What is the difference between any of the world's dictators and George W. Bush? What is the difference between any of the world's dictator-controlled lands and America? The easiest answer to this question would be "none." In each instance the leader or controller of the nation was voted in or fooled the country into allowing them to reign i.e., screwing over Al Gore and John Kerry. This nation has accepted these two incidents as well as the fact that its inalieanble rights are being stripped away one after another without any questions being raised by the populace. Just like in any dictatorship, you can be arrested and held for an indefinite amount of time without due process. Just like in any other dictator controlled area, your privacy can be invaded, the invasion can then be lied about and then admitted all without question. This country has given up its right to ask questions about anything that goes on. They all just accept that it is in the best interest of the country and the ongoing fight against terrorism. Nothing is questioned it is all just accepted and anyone that does raise a question is immediately deemed unpatriotic and a sympathiser of the enemy. I'm not saying that Bush is as bad as Kim Jong-Il but are they really that different? I'm not saying that America is as bad as Saddam controlled Iraq but are they really that different?