Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Who died and made her God?

I went to dinner last night with my fiance and her father and we were joined later by her cousin. During the dinner, I said "Oprah is a whore" and you could have sworn that I'd said I'd just performed fellatio on Jesus by their reaction. They were all apalled by what I'd said. What makes Oprah so great? I mean I respect the fact that she had a somewhat hard upcoming but what black person from "The South" didn't? I'm sorry but Oprah will have to do more than just slap "her hair" in a ponytail for me to think she is a great person. The question was asked, "Who did more for blacks Oprah or Malcolm X?" I would say Malcolm unified a lot more blacks than Oprah, I mean don't get me wrong if I want a good book or if I want to learn how to lose weight I'll watch Oprah but she isn't good for much more. As far as philanthropy try Bill and Melinda Gates. To put it simply none of them have given me two pennies, so it's whatever.