Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Rap and Rock

The rap game.
Why is rap music so terrible? I mean there are a few glimmers of hope with people like Lupe Fiasco and Talbi Kweli, but it would seem that the mainstream is dominated by mindless banter i.e., "shake that laffy taffy..." I mean don't get my wrong it's an amusing song but it's garbage all at the same time, kinda like any movie with Vivica Fox, Morris Chestnut, Nicole Ari Parker, Bill Bellamy, and whatever other black folk are in those "ensemble casts." I mean all I want to hear is an original line from an original artist. I don't care if you have this car or that car or if what kind of gun you have. Maybe I will tomorrow but as for today how about some new flava for my ear.

Drugs and Rock & Roll
Why is it that the best music ever came from artists who hit their peaks in the 60's and 70's? These are also mostly drug addicts that tried to make comeback albums and tours wherein one song began with them screaming, "This is the first song I wrote since I've been clean!!" This song and album usually sucks sending the artist back to drugs for "self-medication" and a subsequent OD. Am I the only one that feels like artists need some type of hallucinogen to have talent? If so, I think I can find some heroin for Britney Spears.