Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The color of success

Generally speaking, the only people who hold back blacks in today's society are black people themselves. The whole concept of "acting white" is absurd -- stupidity and vulgarity are not the sole province of blacks, just as classiness and intelligence are not the sole province of whites. Ghetto behavior is universal and to believe otherwise is to limit one's own potential. The jealousy and complacency that exists in this generation of black folk is not present in any other race hence the in-fighting, killing, subversion that is so rampant today.

We are more willing to support everyone else before ourselves, with this being said, that doesn't mean that something should be supported just because it's "black" i.e. the new Morris Chestnut movie, Tyler Perry "stage play," or Omar Tyree book. But when something of quality produced by blacks comes along, it should be supported and not strangled to ensure that no one gets rich before anyone else does.

Why is there no sense of competition? For example, if Jamal Doe sees Malcolm driving a car and in lieu stealing the car, Jamal works and gets his own after seeing that the attaininment of some things is possible?

I was onced asked by a friend of mine if I ever felt like "my people" were holding me back and responded by saying, "Yes, there aren't too many blacks that want to see other blacks succeed. It's not a matter of doing as well as the next man and getting what he has, it's a matter of doing in the next man and getting what he has." Why is that? While on one hand I firmly believe that the only person that can ever stop a person from succeeding is that person but why do other people of the same color have to make things harder?