All together now, everyone, "FUCK YOU TEXAS!!!!"
In the latest poll published in the "Great state of Texas", 69% of poor evacuees are supposed to be staying in Texas. This is something that has been published in the Houston Chronicle. According to some study done most of the people that evacuated due to Katrina are still unemployed. Is this due to the assholes that won't hire people from Louisiana or due to the fact that those from Louisiana, I'm pretty sure it isn't the latter. Now I find a few issues with this study, it polled a little more than 1,000 people. I'm sorry, but I think there are more than 1,000 people from Louisiana residing in the shit hole know as Houston.
Taking this poll of "impoverished" people who plan to stay in Texas and saying they count for all of the Katrina evacuees is like walking down to the beach, getting a glass of clear ocean water and coming to the conclusion that no fish live in the sea due to your sample. To put it simply, this study is stupid. Anyone who believes it is stupid. A lot of Texans are fucking stupid. And wouldn't you know it, in an article about unemployment and other blights on the city of Houston, they found a way to stick this in,
Tensions about crime
The survey results are released today as tension about evacuee-related crime has led to calls for evacuees to be sent packing. In late August, more than 1,700 westside residents attended a session with Mayor Bill White and Police Chief Harold Hurtt, who announced formation of a 140-officer unit to combat crime in evacuee-filled neighborhoods there.
Police report that 59 of the 262 Houston murders between Jan. 1 and Aug. 26 involved Katrina evacuees as victims or suspects.
White spokesman Frank Michel warned Thursday that it is "unfair to judge the many by the conduct of the few" but reiterated the mayor's assertion that housing for criminals would be provided in jail.
"We've got to point out that we got between 200,000 and 300,000 evacuees," Michel said, "and apparently 130,000 to 150,000 remain. We got a cross-section — everybody from the boardroom to the guy who cleans the boardroom. People with work histories found jobs, transferred jobs and moved businesses. Yes, there are some people who may not match the market here and a number who are retired. ... Our challenge is to lift those in the lower circumstances."
I've applied for several jobs in this state, a bunch of them required nothing more than a high school diploma. I was passed over. I was passed over by HPD and was told that I had to lose 60 pounds in a month. I can count the number of people that I've come across in Texas that I've felt were smarter than I am on one hand and one finger. 1, there is one smart Texan that I've met. You know what, to put it lightly, I feel like my iq is dropping just by staying here longer. How is it that a state can be proud of having the dumbest president in history? I've taken a poll, since I've come across mostly drug users, gang members, dumb people, would it be accurate to say that 93% of those in the greater Houston area are dumb mother fuckers? I'll wrap this up now, this is enough ranting about these bastards.