Friday, September 08, 2006

Good Ol' Texas
This link goes to 15 pages of Houstonians complaining about the presence of Katrina Evacuees in Texas. I'm sorry, the last time I checked Texas was a part of the United States and hadn't seceeded from the union by default declaring itself an independent country. Let's get this straight, no one that evacuated from New Orleans decided, "Hey, I don't want to live in Louisiana anymore, I'd much rather be bused to a state full of redneck, ignorant bastards, who are proud of being the home of a president with an iq of 12. My lease at my apartment can't be up quickly enough. Now, I'll use the intellect that I acquired in the Louisiana public school system to dissect some comments that I've come across:

Yes, the kids will suffer in the short run when we kick their free loading parent off welfare. Hopefuly the kids will see that milking the system is not the way to go and will get an education. They have more oppurtunities here than they ever had in La. Maybe this is the one in a lifetime chance to turn a whole generation around before it's to late.
--I'm not quite sure who jlv74 but it is obvious that he or she isn't a Rhodes Scholar. Just like our kids will "...suffer...", after working in the school system in Houston, I know that the kids of Houston are suffering. They are nothing but a bunch of stupid ass, want to be thugs, that lack identity. Hence the gang problems that aren't present in New Orleans.

I heard a interview clip played several times today on KTRH. Paraphrased, the gentlemen from New Orleans said that if they quit paying his rent and utilities, he won't have money for a place to stay. If they cut off his money he's going to have to "get his hustle on" (that was translated as doing whatever shady or even crooked thing it takes to get by). He also said it wasn't just him, it was thousands of people who are going to "get their hustle on, right up here in Houston" If I say to you, "If I don't get government money to take care of myself without holding a job, I am going to steal it from you. or scam it from you, or beat it of you - whatever it takes to get what I need", what would you, what could you do? That's just what that ungrateful, lazy, "gentleman" said into a microphone
--To hustle isn't necessarily illegal. I have a friend that was a hustler back in New Orleans. She cleaned hotel rooms, worked in a bank, did all kinds of odd jobs to make ends meet so her kids would have food, clothes, and shelter. Hustling conjures up negative connotations kind of like Texans conjure up losers. I'm not talking about the football team.

That Nagin guy is an example of ignorant mentality, he sticks his foot in his mouth each time he speaks. To call a community "chocolate city" is not impressive to anyone, it's sounds bethunish.
--Our mayor is ignorant, but your president is a dumbass. Bush doesn't stick he foot in his mouth, he sticks his head up his ass. The term "Chocolate City" was mentioned due to the lack of color following the storm. When the exodus took place it only showed blacks. When they showed "refugees" they were all black. When they showed the city and those rebuilding, they only showed whites. It made it seem as if the city had kicked them out. He was reassuring them a place, once everything was taken care of. Oh yeah, it's buffoonish not bethuish.

When you have never worked the only job they are qualified for is watching TV. Don't pay much, just what it's worth. Need to start teaching them job skills, sweeping the streets, picking up trash etc.........
--Exactly what job are those in Houston qualified for--public whiners and bitchers. That's all they do.

Oh yeah, was there crime prior to 8/29/05 or was Houston just the basian of peace and Christianity. With the influx of 200,000 you'll always have an increase in crime especially when the natives are ignorant and intolerant.