Monday, August 28, 2006

My thoughts.

One must take this time to really sit down and think, "Is it wet underwater or is the surface of water what really wets you?" If there was someway to get into water without going through the surface would you still get wet? Hmmmmmm. I mean you can't really answer this question because you'll always have to go through a surface of water. My wonderful mind.

What if dogs, cats, and other animals know how to talk and they just choose not to. There are people that choose to be mutes, why can't animals do the same? It's been shown that we can "teach" them all kinds of things, so why can't they learn something on their own? I think entirely too much.

Are animals really at the top of the food chain? I mean there are things that eat humans; lions, tigers, bears, sharks, alligators, crocodiles, snakes. I mean while humans have developed the ability to create tools, does this mean no one or rather nothing else has? Humans are the slowest and weakest of all those things I just named. I know I can't outrun most of those things nor outswim them, but my bullets in my .45acp can. Ahhh, I love being a human.

Have you ever passed someone that stank and wondered if they smelled themselves?

Have you ever seen someone and felt sorry for their toilet and toilet seat?

God I think a lot.