This is something that I should paraphrase and say to all of my friends because I know not whether I will ever see them again. I know I'll talk to them on the phone from time to time, but seeing is something completely different. I miss my folk. I miss being around everyone. I miss smiles, jokes, attitudes. I guess that's one of the reasons I'm going home. It has been said many times before that "...home is where the heart is...", but my heart is back on Birchfield. It's hard to make a home in a place that doesn't want you there. So I shall go, but on my own terms. To those who have been a great help I say thank you, and to those that condemned me to failure, ostracized me, and stereotyped me along with so many others from MY HOME LOUISIANA, I say, "It's o.k." It's o.k. to be so narrow-minded that you don't know what harm you're doing to innoncent. It's o.k. to be so ignorant that you don't take the time to learn about an individual or a group of individuals before you charge them. It's o.k. that you dislike not because I've done something to you, but because of where I'm from. It's o.k. because God said that he would spare the babies and the fools and you are truly the latter. Have a nice day.
--But this same day
Must end that work the ides of March begun;
And whether we shall meet again I know not.
Therefore our everlasting farewell take:
For ever, and for ever, farewell, Cassius!
If we do meet again, why, we shall smile;
If not, why then, this parting was well made.