I figure I'm one of the lucky ones when it comes to the aftermath of Katrina. I mean didn't lose my home and since I'm sitting here typing it should be obvious that I didn't lose my life. One thing I did lose was the school I was teaching at. This is the same elementary school I attended as a child. I remember my first day as my father walked me in the building and sat me next to the door of my kindergarten class. My teacher's name was Mrs. Huft, she was actually still there when I worked there, so was my old p.e. teacher Mrs. Shillington. I was so fricking excited about going to work at the school I went to and best of all I could walk to work since it was literally around the corner. Monday, August 22, 2005, my nephew Eric and I embark on our short journey to Woodmere Elementary School. This is the same routine for the next 4 days. Friday, August 27, 2005, I leave work and all everyone is talking about is how this new hurricane is coming. Now me being a bit arrogant I say, "I'm not going anywhere. When everywhere else floods, Birchfield (my street) is high and dry. When everywhere else is burning, we are cool." The next morning I evacuate to Natchez, MS due to a catergory 5 hurricane barrelling down on my state, but I still feel like this trip is for naught. I'll be back at work by Wednesday, August 29, 2005, at the very latest. September 5 I return to find...