Monday, August 14, 2006

O.J. and N.G.

Frustration is the only word that can properly describe how I feel right now. As I sit here and watch Nancy Grace, I'm just completely blown away at how she attacks an individual that was acquitted of all charges. A system that YOU used to work to uphold is flawed based on the fact that ONE person "got away with murder?" To put it simply, you sicken me. How is it that you can champion that American judicial system on one hand, but on the other you constantly charge someone that was judged by a jury of his peers as a murderer? He was acquitted, leave him alone. If he did it, so be it. The system didn't work this one time, but to that I say how many people have been executed, hung, lynched, beaten, and terrorized for things they didn't do? Yet there is no outcry of people charging the system with being flawed. Is this because it worked in their favor? I take this back to Robert Blake, a man that tried to hire someone to kill his wife, yet when he "gets off" nothing. Where is Robert Blake? What is HE doing? Where is HE going? Would it be proper to say that even if you are acquitted in a court of law, that means nothing because you can still be the victim of slander which everyone seems to turn a blind eye to? Whether or not the majority wants to admit it or not, there is still racism in America, overt and blatant. If O.J. was white would he still be in the news? Would he still be a murderer? NO!!! If Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman were black would there have been such an uproar from the white community when O.J. was acquitted? NO!!! To put it simply, the only reason O.J. is still making news is because he's a nigger that "killed" a white woman. With all of this said, it doesn't make me too comfortable that I'm a part of the minority that doesn't get treated properly in this country. God in heaven knows I love being in America, but he or she also knows that America is completely screwed up and needs to take care of home before running to fight anybody's war.